The entry of foreign plate vehicles into Turkey is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the following legislation:
- Temporary Import Contract published in the Official Gazette dated 21/10/2004 and numbered 25620,
- Articles 131, 238 and 241 of the Customs Law No. 4458,
- Articles 3, 16 to 20 and 43 and 44 of the Decree Regarding the Application of Some Articles of the Customs Law No.4458, annexed to the Council of Ministers Decision No 2009/15481,
- Customs Regulations,
- Customs General Communiqué on Temporary Imported Land Vehicles Serial No. 1,
- Circular No. 2011/10 on customs procedures of land vehicles with foreign plates.
In our article, it will be examined in detail under which conditions people can enter the customs zone with their foreign plate vehicles within these provisions.
According to “Resolution on Application of Certain Articles of Customs Law Number 4458” attached to Council of Ministers Resolution number 2009/15481”, persons who are resident in a territory other than Turkey can import their vehicles for private use registered in their country of residence.
Meaning of being a resident abroad is a person stays outside of Turkey for more than 185 days in a year, and in this case he/she can bring his/her vehicle into Turkey within the scope of private use.
While making the calculation of “one year”, the person’s situation in the last one year is taken into account by going one year back from the date the person entered Turkey. (For example; if the person has applied for entry to Turkey at the date of 11/05/2021, it will be checked that where this person was in one year between 11/05/2020 and 11/05/2021.)
Exceptionally the condition of residing abroad 185 days is not required for a person, who is retired from abroad and bring to his/her vehicle first time after retirement date to Turkey.
The maximum permission period of temporary import granted to vehicle as from the date of vehicle stamp by customs officer on passport.
If that condition is not met by the resident abroad, vehicles are not allowed to enter Turkey.
Persons who have residence permit in Turkey or Turkish citizenship reside abroad can use their car in Turkey up to 2 years (730 days) . After two years, person stays abroad for 185 days within last one year and can bring vehicle again to Turkey .
The time limit granted to vehicles of foreigners is the period of these people can stay in Turkey.
Person who does not hold residence permit in Turkey can use their car total 90 days in 180 days in Turkey .
If the car is rented , It can be used in Turkey as long as end of period which is agreed in rental agreement.
When persons want to go abroad by leaving your vehicle in Turkey, either person should leave vehicle to the Customs Authorities or it should be submitted a Letter of Undertaking which is indicating that the vehicle will not to be used by any other person. For that person may apply to the nearest Customs Office for taking both actions. Otherwise, a penalty of one fourth of the customs duties is applied as per the 238th Article of the Customs Law No. 4458.
In case of submitting a Letter of Undertaking, the vehicle cannot be used by anyone else including owner’s spouse or lineal ancestors and descendants who reside abroad.
- If the land vehicles are re-exported or placed under customs approved treatment/use within the time period not exceeding three months since the end of legal time for staying in Turkey, penalty with regard to the article 241/5-b of the Customs Law No. 4458
- If the land vehicles are re-exported or placed under customs approved treatment/use within more than three months since the end of legal time period for staying in Turkey, penalty by one fourth of the customs duties with regard to 238th article of the Customs Law No. 4458