Ülkemizde yasal kalış hakkı ihlalinde yani vize, vize muafiyeti, ikamet izni, çalışma izni veya çalışma izni muafiyeti ihlallerinde bulunan yabancılara 4/4/2013 tarihli ve 6458 sayılı Yabancılar ve Uluslararası Koruma Kanununun “Türkiye’ye giriş yasağı” başlıklı 9 uncu maddesi kapsamında uygulanan giriş yasakları, aşağıdaki esaslar çerçevesinde gerçekleştirilmektedir.
1. Yasal kalış hakkı ihlalinde bulunmasına rağmen, aşağıdaki şartlar çerçevesinde ülkeden çıkış yapan yabancılara Türkiye’ye giriş yasağı kararı alınmamaktadır.
a. The foreigners who violate the right to legal stay up to 3 months (does not include 3 months) and come to the border gates by themselves in order to leave Turkey before their situation is detected by the competent authorities and make the payment for administrative fines due to Act of Fees numbered 492
b. 3 aya kadar (3 ay dâhil değil) yasal kalış hakkı ihlalinde bulunan, hakkında sınır dışı etme kararı alınarak Türkiye’yi terk edebilmeleri için kendilerine tanınan süre içinde çıkış yapmak üzere sınır kapılarına gelen ve 492 sayılı Harçlar Kanunundan kaynaklanan idari para cezalarını ödeyen yabancılar
2. Decision on entry ban to Turkey from 1 month to 5 years is taken for the foreigners who leave the country pursuant to the terms below, even though they violate the right to legal stay.
a. 3 aydan fazla (3 ay dâhil) yasal kalış hakkı ihlalinde bulunan, bu durumları yetkili makamlarca tespit edilmeden önce Türkiye dışına çıkmak için kendiliğinden sınır kapılarına gelen ve 492 sayılı Harçlar Kanunundan kaynaklanan idari para cezalarını ödeyen yabancılar
Bu kapsamdaki yabancılar için ihlal sürelerine karşılık gelen giriş yasağı süreleri aşağıdaki gibidir:
- 3 ay - 6 ay arası ihlal : 1 ay süreli giriş yasağı
- 6 ay - 1 yıl arası ihlal : 3 ay süreli giriş yasağı
- 1 yıl - 2 yıl arası ihlal : 1 yıl süreli giriş yasağı
- 2 yıl - 3 yıl arası ihlal : 2 yıl süreli giriş yasağı
- 3 yıldan fazla ihlal : 5 yıl süreli giriş yasağı
3. Decision on entry ban to Turkey from 3 month to 5 years is taken for the foreigners violating the right of legal stay who leave the country pursuant to the terms below or are deported.
a. The foreigners who do not make the payment for administrative fines due to Act of Fees numbered 492 although they come to the border gates by themselves in order to leave Turkey before their situation is detected by the competent authorities
b. The foreigners who violate the right to legal stay up to 3 months (does not include 3 months) and are summoned to leave Turkey upon which a deportation decision has been taken, yet do not leave within the duration they are provided and/or do not make the payment for administrative fines due to Act of Fees numbered 492
c. The foreigners who violate the right to legal stay more than 3 months (includes 3 months) and are summoned to leave Turkey upon which a deportation decision has been taken without considering whether they have made the payment for administrative fines due to Act of Fees numbered 492
ç. The foreigners who do not leave the country within the duration they are provided although their residence permit applications are rejected or their residence permits are cancelled, without considering whether they have made the payment for administrative fines due to Act of Fees numbered 492
d. The foreigners who do not leave the country within the duration they are provided although their work permit applications are rejected or their work permits are cancelled, without considering whether they have made the payment for administrative fines due to Act of Fees numbered 492
e. The foreigners who do not apply for residence permit despite they have been allowed to enter our country with the condition that a residence permit application must be made within ten days although they have used all of the visa’s or visa exemption’s right of stay within the scope of the “90 days in 180 days” rule, without considering whether they have made the payment for administrative fines due to Act of Fees numbered 492
f. The foreigners who are subjected to alternative obligations by terminating the administrative detention decision, without considering whether they have made the payment for administrative fines due to Act of Fees numbered 492
g. The foreigners who are deported in company with personnel on duty, without considering whether they have made the payment for administrative fines due to Act of Fees numbered 492
Bu kapsamdaki yabancılar için ihlal sürelerine karşılık gelen giriş yasağı süreleri aşağıdaki gibidir:
- Violation up to 3 months : Prohibition of entry for 3 months
- 3 ay - 6 ay arası ihlal : 6 ay süreli giriş yasağı
- 6 ay - 1 yıl arası ihlal : 1 yıl süreli giriş yasağı
- 1 yıl - 2 yıl arası ihlal : 2 yıl süreli giriş yasağı
- 2 yıldan fazla ihlal : 5 yıl süreli giriş yasağı
4. Foreigners, who do not make the payment for administrative fines and other public receivables due to Act of Fees numbered 492 and other legislation provisions, shall not be allowed to enter our country even though the duration of prohibition of entry for them is over unless they make the payment for aforementioned fines and other public receivables within the context of articles 7 and 15 of the Law numbered 6458.